“菩提本無樹,明鏡亦非臺”兩句均採用了倒裝語法結構,可理解爲“本無菩提樹,亦非明鏡臺”,《菩提偈》前兩句是針對神秀《無相偈》的前兩句所作,應聯繫在一起理解。 菩提樹:相傳佛教始祖釋迦牟尼在菩提樹下靜坐七天七夜覺悟成佛。 明鏡臺:僧人坐禪之處,據《資持記》下二之。
陷害的拼音是什么?陷害怎么读? 陷害的拼音是:xiàn hài 点击 图标播放陷害的发音 。 陷害是什么意思? 陷害的意思是:以言语、计谋使人受害。 陷害的近义词是什么? 答:陷害的近义词。
血液採集試管順序; 體液採集檢體順序; 血庫採集檢體順序; 細菌檢體的採檢; 病毒培養檢體之採檢與運送; 檢體包裝與保存; 檢體重驗及加補驗原則; 採血建議部位; 與採血有關之問題探討; 紫質症血液及尿液採檢流程; 檢驗部不良檢體退件標準
(英) They always argue about money. 歡迎向我哋反映意見。 電郵: 關於粵典 「嗌交」 | 私隱政策聲明.
Scientific notation is a way of expressing numbers that are too large or too small to be conveniently written in decimal form, since to do so would require writing out an inconveniently long string of digits. It may be referred to as scientific form or standard index form, or standard form in the United Kingdom. This base ten notation is commonly used by scientists, mathematicians, and engineers, in part because it can simplify certain arithmetic operations. On scientific calculators, i…
牌匾 - translate into English with the Chinese (Traditional)–English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary
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